星球大战场景制作(Star Wars Scene Maker)iOS手机版app v1.5
星球大战场景制作(Star Wars Scene Maker)iOS手机版app是一款工具应用, 允许用户添加自己喜欢的星球大战场景,用户可以增加人物,动画,以及音轨效果。星球大战场景制作app软件特色:
1.允许用户添加自己喜欢的星球大战场景,用户可以增加人物,动画,以及音轨效果;2.Create your own Star Wars universe and bring it to life with imaginative play and countless options.
3.Select from 3D environments with 3D models of your favorite characters, weapons, and ships.
4.Use dialogue straight from the Star Wars films, or record your voice and apply a Darth Vader, Rebel Pilot, or Stormtrooper filter to put your words into any character’s mouth!
5.Switch between three cameras, each of which can track or follow the action, to record your scene from multiple angles!
6.Choose a musical score taken from the Star Wars films, write your own iconic Star Wars "Title Crawl” and end credits, and share your finished scene with your friends!
版本:v1.5 日期:2014-09-111.Added support for iPhone*;
2.Additional lightsaber animations;
3.Added new special moves - force push, force push reaction defeat, and fall to ground death;
4.Additional bug fixes and optimization;
5.Optimized for the newest generation of iPhone. Not compatible with iPhone 4.
1内涵段子官网电脑版 v3.3.2
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